Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great quote

Posted by Craig on 9/21/2008
I was flipping through some of my undergrad papers, and I found a great quote on the current state of online journalism in one of my essays. Now that I'm really focusing on online journalism as a career, going for my Masters in a program that emphasizes online, it just really clicks with me and I love it.

“Comparing the present state of newspaper Web sites to future Web sites is like comparing an American Indian village on Manhattan Island to the New York City of today. As technology advances, a whole new world of online edition doodads will become available at a finger-tap.”
-Connecticut Post columnist Charles Walsh

I think that's really true. This is only the beginning. The original column, "Web edition has latest bells, whistles," can be found here for those interested. It was published on Feb. 20, 2007.

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